When Holly Golightly takes up knitting in Breakfast at Tiffany’s, it’s a sign of meltdown, but knitting scarves is a lot easier than sewing 260 squares together with ribbon (thanks Lynn and Pauline for doing the other 30!) and stringing them between banisters on a fairly busy staircase….;)

It is a gleeful thrifty who greets you today, a week of public art combined with ten days of broadband/Vista interface problems has taken its toll, but   the xhib went down very well with lots of people, we got a nice photo and write up in the Nottingham Post, Nottingham Mental Health Week want the fabric follies to plan a show with them next year, the market had not too many visitors, but all in a buying mood, so the best stall I’ve ever had with just crafts, £95 plus a £25 reserved machine embroidered diary cover, to be collected in a couple of weeks!

That’s a lot of wins – dosh for AVI, and for Family and Friends of the Beeches; Lynn’s very happy with the links the xhib helped build with M Health Week and the local primary school – the children were very sweet and thoughtful with the residents and drew some great images on their squares – I got to meet Rosemary Renouf, who Penny from Making Waves had told me was lovely; and I told her about the Bi-Polar Bard’s Cape and she’s keen to have it in next year’s MHW events ; the residents enjoyed the happy memory conversations (on the whole – one guy was not impressed!) and the staff were really supportive, bringing coffee and sandwiches and letting us in and out and helping clear the dining room, and seemed really interested and to enjoy the art – two women both wanted Pauline’s picture and I suggested that handbags at dawn might be needed, but all was resolved happily!- another home wants the squares project to go there, The Beeches want Pauline and Lynn to do a day workshop soon, the Women’s Centre want me to do an International Women’s Day version…………there’s also the impact on the follies – this was our first show and we ended up with very little preparation time, so it’s truly amazing how well everything came together! Photos will follow on Cherry Simone’s return from the flatlands….